Andrii Shemet

Full Stack Developer

I am in active search of an interesting job as a Front-End / Full-Stack Developer. Will be happy to be a part of a friendly team and work together for the result.


  • Team project using technologies: HTML5, JS, React, React Hook, Redux, Redux Toolkit, CSS-in-JS(Emotion), Node.js, Express.js, Mongoose, MongoDB, Webpack, AJAX.
    While on the project I took an active part in the creation of a server for the site. Created end-points documentation (swagger-ui). Implemented receiving, displaying and updating user balance on the site. Assisted in the implementation of registration and login user through a Google account and verification of the user's email.

  • Personal project using technologies: REACT, REDUX, WEBPACK, AJAX.
    Site was designed for storing phone book contacts. After registration procedure each user can get their own phone book, where they can save or delete contacts. The site uses a working backend.

  • Team project using technologies: HTML5, CSS, JS, WEBPACK, FIREBASE, AJAX.
    My part of work in project was the implementation of user registration and login through the form in modal window, and data saving on FIREBASE.

  • A team project using technologies: HTML5, CSS, SASS, JS.
    In the project I was responsible for the footer with clickable links and the return arrow to the beginning of the site.

  • A personal project using technologies: HTML5, CSS and SASS.
    This is a multi-page business card website of a web studio where there is information about the team, clients, as well as examples of work. The site implements gathering data through a form in a modal window.


Priest / Ukrainian Orthodox Church

2006 - 2022
  • Launched a church website
  • Taught theological subjects
  • Held charity events


Kiev Theological Academy and Seminary


2005 - 2010 | Kiev, Ukraine

Chernihiv Theological School


2002 - 2005 | Chernihiv, Ukraine



Full Stack Developer

2020 - 2022 | Kiev, Ukraine